Professional Gypsum Lawn Treatments in Phoenix, Laveen, Scottsdale, AZ & Surrounding Areas
Our team can test your soil to determine if your lawn could benefit from a gypsum treatment.
If you want to improve the health of your grass, then you should take advantage of our gypsum lawn treatments! Our gypsum treatments are designed to improve your soil's structure, alleviate compaction, and remove excess sodium from your soil. We can test your soil before applying this treatment to make sure your lawn will benefit from it. What's more, this treatment is safe for pets, so you won't have to worry about putting the health of your pets at risk when you invest in this service.
We offer our gypsum lawn treatments to commercial and residential property owners in Phoenix, Laveen, Scottsdale, AZ, and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call at (602) 769-4564 to schedule this service today!
Our Team Will Test Your Soil Before Applying Our Gypsum Treatment
At Divine Design Landscaping, we don't just apply treatments to your lawn no matter what, we only do so if your lawn could benefit from it. So, when you inquire about this service, we will first come out to your property to test your soil. If there's an issue with your soil that gypsum treatments could help with, then we will move forward with the treatment. However, not all lawns require this treatment - some lawns have good soil quality already and may not need additional help from gypsum. Testing your soil beforehand allows us to tailor our services to meet your lawn's specific needs.
Our gypsum treatments can alleviate soil compaction, improve soil structure, and remove excess sodium from your soil.

There are a number of ways that your lawn could benefit from a gypsum treatment. For instance, if your soil is compacted, a gypsum treatment can help alleviate that compaction and can do so even more when combined with core aeration. Another benefit of gypsum treatments is that they can remove excess sodium from your soil. This is very important because excess sodium can prevent your grass from absorbing the water it needs to thrive. By adding a gypsum treatment to your lawn, you can help your lawn detox from excessive sodium and improve the overall structure of your soil!
Our gypsum lawn treatments are safe for pets!
Safety is a priority here at Divine Design Landscaping. While we work hard to provide you with highly effective lawn care treatments, we never put your pets' safety at risk. Because of this, we only use products that are safe for pets. After we've applied a gypsum treatment to your lawn, we will give you instructions on how long you should wait before you let your pets use your lawn again. By following our instructions, your lawn will benefit from this treatment and the health of your pets won't be at risk!
Call Us Today To Schedule Our Gypsum Lawn Treatments
If you think your lawn could benefit from a gypsum treatment, we are the team to call. We can come out to your property to test your soil, and if we determine your lawn could benefit from a gypsum treatment, we will apply one! We offer this treatment to residential and commercial property owners in Phoenix, Laveen, Scottsdale, and nearby cities in Arizona. Give us a call today at (602) 769-4564 to schedule our gypsum lawn treatments!